Ministry Annual Service Plan Reports
- PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2017/18 STRATEGIC PLAN ANNUAL REPORT - The Strategic Plan Annual Report 2017/18 sets out the BC Government’s vision, strategic directions, and accomplishments from 2017 to 2018. Learn more about how the BC Government is working for you: to make life more affordable, improve the services people count on, and create good jobs and a strong, sustainable economy throughout B.C.
- Office of the Premier
- Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of the Attorney General and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
- Ministry of Children and Family Development
- Ministry of Citizens’ Services
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and the
Environmental Assessment Office
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
- Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
- Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture
- Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Crown Agency Annual Service Plan Reports
- BC Assessment Authority
- BC Games Society
- BC Housing Management Commission
- BC Hydro and Power Authority
- BC Immigrant Investment Fund Ltd.
- BC Liquor Distribution Branch
- BC Lottery Corporation
- BC Pavilion Corporation
- BC Securities Commission
- BC Transit
- British Columbia Council for International Education
- Columbia Basin Trust
- Columbia Power Corporation
- Community Living BC
- Destination BC
- First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Council
- Forest Enhancement Society of BC
- Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.
- Industry Training Authority
- Innovate BC (formerly BC Innovation Council)
- Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
- Knowledge Network Corporation
- Legal Services Society
- Oil and Gas Commission
- Partnerships BC
- Royal BC Museum Corporation