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Message from the Minister of State and Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Linda ReidAs British Columbia’s first Minister of State for Child Care, I am proud of the leadership and commitment this government continues to show in strengthening our child care system.

Over the past year — with the help of many valued partners — much work was done toward our shared goal of creating a flexible, responsive child care system that meets the unique needs of individual families. Our approach is a holistic one, balancing increased support for vulnerable children and families, and improving training and supports for early childhood educators.

Since 2001, government has funded the creation of 3,300 new child care spaces in British Columbia; the total number of government-funded licensed child care spaces is now more than 86,000. Recognizing that quality child care is a cornerstone of early childhood development, we have set even more ambitious guideposts for the years ahead, allocating $12.5 million in major capital funding in 2007/08 with the goal of creating approximately 2,000 new child care spaces by the end of 2010.

We aim to build on the successes of the past year by encouraging partnerships and exploring the use of public buildings and available school space in the creation of licensed child care spaces. Plans are also underway to enhance culturally relevant child care services for Aboriginal children. We stand firm in our commitment to support B.C.’s vulnerable children and families through our child care subsidy and supported child development programs.

The years ahead will also see the implementation of the province’s comprehensive five-year strategic plan for child care, and continued encouragement of work-life balance for British Columbians.

Each of us is a vital part of our province’s present and its future — a future of possibility and potential. I believe that good quality, flexible and sustainable child care programs and services play an integral role in that future, allowing British Columbians to engage in our Province’s increased job training and educational opportunities as well as supporting children, our most precious resource, in becoming the very best they can be.

I am the Minister of State for Child Care and under the Balanced Budget and Ministerial Accountability Acts, I am responsible for the following results for 2008/09:

  • work to increase the number of licensed child care spaces in B.C.
    1. using available school space or other public buildings,
    2. through a partnership with BC Housing,
    3. in licensed non-profit group care, and
    4. with independent providers and family child care providers.
  • work to increase licensed child care spaces that include an Aboriginal cultural component;
  • initiate implementation of a comprehensive five-year Strategic Child Care Plan for B.C.;
  • in partnership with other ministries and agencies, work to establish additional neighbourhood centres that include child care, early childhood development and family strengthening programs; and
  • work with the Ministry of Small Business and Revenue, through the Regulatory Reform Initiative, in order to review and recommend changes to the regulations for the Child Care Subsidy Program.

Honourable Linda Reid
Minister of State for Child Care

February 8, 2008

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